It’s an exercise in realizing what you are. The process of having an idea with a plan, and putting an intention into motion. This is how we manifest physical matter from energy. My favorite part of the artistic process is after an idea or vision is born. We begin working to make it become, and along the way, surprises occur. Patterns are revealed, accidents become how the work piece wants to present in a beautiful unplanned surprising way. This is the moment that the joy and wonder of discovery occurs, we become childlike in our witnessing, eyes wide, in a flow state, taking it in, fully participating and present in that moment.
It is this moment, this sense of awe and discovery, achieving full conciousness, that I strive to experience and inspire with my artwork. I love watching people when they see my work, they appear drawn in to it. They say, “What is this?” All else is forgotten, all their normal daily worries and regrets washed away, as they are drawn into the detail, the interaction of color and pattern, the amazing ever-changing possibilities that become real as a perfectly natural process all around us every day.
This process represents what we are and how our lives really unfold when we exercise our ability to create and command the physical space around us to develop the experience we want.